Sunday, July 24, 2016

Free Graphing Tool

So I've finally started planning for this year.  I don't have as much done as I had hoped, but does anyone ever?  For my Honors Advanced Algebra class I wanted to design a task where my students analyzed a piecewise function created out of linear and quadratic functions.  I typically use Geogebra and Desmos to create the graphs that I use in handouts and assignments, but I couldn't figure out how to get either one to easily and nicely graph piecewise functions.  In my case necessity is always the mother of a google search.  Fortunately this time I was successful.  I found an awesome (free) graphing tool that will not only graph piecewise functions, it will graph asymptotes, implicit functions and slope fields.  While I won't use all those features, our AP Calculus teacher was quite excited about them.  The site isn't very fancy looking but it's fairly easy to figure out and is definitely a good addition to any list of math resources.  Amazingly enough it is just called "GraphFree" and the website is  I hope you find it as helpful as I did.

Home Page of GraphFree

Snapshot of Graphing Features

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